"Society is in Trouble" and here's some advice.
By emile


The movie "Wall-E" was a movie a friend suggested I watch. I loved it!

It told a love story between an "old school" robot and a modern sleek and sexier version of A.I.

The part that was a bit unsettling was how close to real life it nails down with society getting a bit unfit due to automation and new technology.

Not so long ago we had to physically work hard to survive...and as time has gone on people are less physically active than ever before.

Like all "Disney like" movies, it ended well.

Today however I'm not so optimistic about what I've watched for over half a century society-wide and within my own client base with young clients in their 20-30's.

I'm not likely to "sell" you cotton candy ...

How Much Protein Do You Need to Eat Daily?
By emile

A simple whole food diet with alternatives to add additional choices of protein and how much you may need based on your individual goals.

Start your post here...

“Zen and the art of the fitness maintenance”
By emile


Life’s journey is a gift and where you go is up to you.
Who you ride with is your choice as well.
How and what you do on your ride determines how far youll go on your journey.
In the early 60's I begin the JFK Presidents Physical Fitness Program in public school as part of a standard annual fitness readiness that all kids in school did as mandatory minimum levels of fitness.
Push ups, pull ups, chin up, sit-ups and timed run...and a grip strength hangs to see how long you could persevere the ”burn” or pain while hanging for time on a chin bar.
These tests shaped our future outcomes and would teach many life lessons that didn't make sense then...but today...looking ...

”𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐥, 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐬...”
By emile


Much of the time as a coach or teacher is being involved in conversations establishing the degree of factual truths regarding ”what is” and what a client or athletes perceived ”truth” is regarding all things under the ”training and diet” label in the fitness industry and then helping them to close that gap in their understanding.

If you think ”fake news” is a brand new occurrence or that the recent weirdness that makes things more challenging than ever to understand is new...its not just in politics.

The Big Food, Big Pharma, Big Biz and Super global behemoths of the Tech-sec...and social media industries influence a lot of what's being pack...

Do you love your life enough to make changes?
By emile


Today this feels more evident than ever.

I love having the desire to eat well daily.

I love having the desire to train daily.

I love having the desire to study and learn all that applies to what I enjoy doing daily that serves others.

I love love love my naps😊

This combination for me is what makes me happy.

If what you do daily what makes you happier...would that help attract healthier and happier people into your life?

Start with your own self-love & happiness and watch what positive change happens in your life.

You'll begin seeing a blinding attraction to what you want and will feel a negative vibe from what you don't feel a positive feeling from.

The above habits prepare your body/mind to be ver...

"Can I ask you a question?"
By emile


Daily I get asked questions and occasionally I'll intervene when I see a gym newbie trying to set up the ultimate complex program...and risking major injury before he/she even moves the weight.

The list?

"Is a cleanse or detox a good thing to do?

No. You'll lose water weight for a minute, then gain it back and possibly lose muscle if continued too long. Just clean it up with your food and don't be lazy in the kitchen.

"Is Crossfit good?"

Have you been training already building a core of basic strength? You may survive the initial "cut" if you have good discipline. Most do well when starting this in their 20's and are already fit.

Are you an older athlete with a solid base of 20-30 years of train...

4 Stages of a Positive Fitness Mindset
By emile



Fixed mindset way: You're determined to lose “30 lbs. In 30 Days” slip into a little red dress by Valentine's Day, so you never miss a workout.

Growth mindset way: Take a less-is-more approach. Burnout happens when you expect too much too soon. Exercise from the mindset of a marathon instead of a sprint. Even with the smartest, most effective workout program, you still can't force your body to become stronger or slimmer any faster than it physiologically can. Like having a baby, in most takes 9 months give or take a tiny kick announcing a possible early arrival.

Start with the small steps utilizing lowest reps, sets, and weights. It's better to...

Want to Lose Weight Follow These Steps
By emile


So you want to lose weight?

You’re finally sick and tired of being sick and tired: you stepped on the scale and it’s ridiculous, you need a bigger size pair of pants, or you feel like death in the morning after 8 hours of sleep and you still feel exhausted. Whatever your reasons are for reading this, I’m glad you rolled through– you need to start somewhere, right? Might as well make today the day.

When it comes losing weight, I’ve heard all the stories from people who have tried “everything” and then quit...again The moral of each story is this: they sucked at losing weight or that something was wrong with themselves – this is a faulty self-im...

11 Tips to Stay Motivated During Your Training
By emile


1. Write down your goals and look at your vision board and that list often.

Writing down and viewing daily of those goals has a powerful effect. It keeps them clearly in the front of your mind's awareness. What I also like is the combined impact of pictures I can see in an instant of a physique I have as the one I’m inspired by.

A vision board is one technique I've used for decades and has become even easier now with social media. Find inspiration daily by keeping that goal or image on your cell phone or desktop as a screensaver.

You will remember.

2. Create a buddy system or a training crew.

Having people as committed to success, as you are, will help with achieving better accountabili...