Daily I get asked questions and occasionally I'll intervene when I see a gym newbie trying to set up the ultimate complex program...and risking major injury before he/she even moves the weight.
The list?
"Is a cleanse or detox a good thing to do?
No. You'll lose water weight for a minute, then gain it back and possibly lose muscle if continued too long. Just clean it up with your food and don't be lazy in the kitchen.
"Is Crossfit good?"
Have you been training already building a core of basic strength? You may survive the initial "cut" if you have good discipline. Most do well when starting this in their 20's and are already fit.
Are you an older athlete with a solid base of 20-30 years of training? Easy does it killer...you're nor 20 anymore.
"I do Barr Method, Orange Theory, Pilates, Pole Dancing, etc...can I compete or look hot, better, fit blah-blah?"
Alone as a single fitness element, no. (see below response)
There is no one single BEST way...except free weight training.
Free weight will ALWAYS be your base.
Bodybuilding style training is the only way to design a shape to your body and physique. By proper exercise selection and manipulation of training variables will you be able to control the shaping of your body.
The one exception to this would be the fitness elite outlier (.001%)
This person can eat anything and do very little and still look like a fitness model.
Sorry...you are most likely not that person and you'll have to lift and eat right.
"What supplements should I take?"
My first added question is "tell me about your diet now...how many calories do you eat and what's your macro split?"
If I get the "the what?" response or a glazed eye facial expression...I'm likely to move you to the front of the classroom and do the "abc's of nutrition" with you.
98% of sport supplements are crap.
Eat real food.
Occasionally I"ll run into the fitness elite that's managed to get a pro card and still have limited understanding with sports nutrition.
Typically the coach or teacher has made them unknowingly dependent on them for information regarding how to eat as an athlete...and they become lost when not understanding the "season of life" shift for an athlete.
In your 20's and early 30's you can be pretty lax in your behaviors...but at about 35 your body will not respond the same way.
It's time to get a bit more dialed in with training and food protocols.
Hormones and life begin to take a toll on your willpower to continue "pushing the rock up the hill" and the adjustments get overwhelming which can lead to abandoning any useful or even the most basic program.
It will take more effort and a longer time line to achieve the same results earlier obtained in your life.
The bottom line is for you to get help when designing your routine.
Everyone I meet "scans" info and doesn't retain, learn or apply info correctly.
Big problem these days...even with Google
All sources on the net aren't reliable and many articles your do read for expert advice usually lack personal experience or have taken studies out of context while twisting the facts to sell another weak program.
Simple old school method?
How does the master, teacher, guru look and do they walk the talk they talk from day one?
Chances are if they look fit...they know some tricks to teach.
You pick your image of what fit looks like and start there then soak up whatever knowledge they have until you can't take it anymore.
Consistent ongoing perpetual results are pretty tough even for the best in the world before the clock gets'em.
Pick your thing, keep it the main thing and don't stop.
It'll keep you alive, I promise
Ok...time to train.