10 Reasons Why New Fitness Programs Fail

By emile


1. You’re treating a marathon like a sprint.

Many people have been tricked due to modern marketing that a "shortcut" to the finish line is just "28-Days" or "6 Weeks to Fitness Model abs" only to be given a list of "do it yourself" exercises and makeshift (possibly dangerous) Google search menu.

Take the long route to get a complete plan that adjusts on the turns with your individual life and typical challenges that come up from time to time...that surely do.

2. You put the cart before the horse.

Putting the small steps in place before mastering the main frame or outline is common. Too much emphasis on the cool exercise techniques and not enough focus on the basics.

The understanding of the amount time to lose weight is lost when wanting to build muscle too. It's typically easier to drop fat and not so easy for muscle building until the right level of effort is made while weight training.

Dropping enough calories and doing cardio will create a calorie deficit which causes the body to drop fat when it uses stored fat for the work required. The challenge here is to add the appropriate amount of weight training to stimulate growth while maintaining an adequate protein intake to support growth and muscle repair.

3. You don’t believe in yourself.

After attempting many quick fixes with crazy diets, sometimes the will to go on is gone. And each added pound just makes the thought of another program failure makes you want to scream.

It's not your fault that the supplement and diet companies know you want to lose weight so badly that their advertising schemes make it all sound too good to be true.

A better plan is right around the corner and it has nothing to do with supplements, but a better understanding of good nutrition and a proper exercise program based on your condition.

A "snapshot" of your current condition and a 15-minute conversation can get you started on the right foot.

4. Too much thinking, not enough doing.

Over planning and too much complexity sometimes is the biggest hurdle to success. Many times we can start with the "big blocks" like diet, exercise including strength and cardio, then fill in the details as we move forward. The process of weight loss and fitness is ongoing and very dynamic...and only need a few tweaks based on your monthly changes based on your "report card"

Once you start, a monthly body analysis will help with the next steps to be taken to avoid plateaus.

5. You’re in too much of a hurry.

Weight loss typically is a faster process than muscle building or toning. However, the amount of weight loss or muscle gain must be met with a solid understanding of the development of a proper timeline and strategy.

The process usually takes twice as long and double the effort when life's circumstances cause unforeseen complications.

Like an airplane in flight from point "A" to point "B" there are slight adjustments that must be made to keep the plane on course and on schedule.

Sometimes those adjustments extended the extended timeline.

6. You don’t enjoy the process.

Honestly, my military experience with exercise was absolute torture. But it provided the best framework for me to build upon and create a life that was unimaginable at that time.

Some people start their fitness journey for many reasons that they don't quite realize until much later.

Mine were always the most superficial and had nothing to do with "total health and wellness" but instead "doing curls for the girls" :)

My # 1 suggestion here is to find something you enjoy first, then build a fitness lifestyle around that enjoyment.

Hiking, swimming or cycling become the framework for many people when they start and then their interest move into some aspect of weight training, yoga or a variation of cardio...then into a fusion of all prior fitness experiences that works for you.

It's such an individual thing and be anything you want that keeps you moving.

7. You’re trying too hard.

The burnout rate at the beginning of each new year is tremendous. People that have limited gym experience decide to bite off a bit more than they can chew when embarking on the "30-Day Challenge " or the " 6-Week Butt Blast Off"

Learn to go easy, moderate and then hard with your effort or intensity to build a kind of rhythm with training.

It can be taught inside a program that's designed for the long range.

You'll be alive for many years and like continuing education, a fitness education is worth its weight in gold.

8. You don’t track your progress.

I can't emphasize this step enough. That which isn't tracked or measured will not change. This is the #1 motivational tool I know. We as human beings need validation and a sense of getting somewhere with your effort. A simple monthly assessment will do wonders for your well-spent effort come training time.

9. You have no social support.

Upon embarking on your fitness journey, the need to tell everyone your plan, will be vital to your success. Many times due to societal pressure or the lack of support from family or friends, many people stop before they even get started.

Have this one dialed in or be prepared to take the journey alone until you find the right group of supportive friends.

10. You know your what, but not your why.

Why's your body and your health important to you? I mentioned above initially it was a whole different motivator and I think when we're younger it's about meeting someone special and building a life, As we get older it'll change, so your plan needs to evolve as you do to make room for your life that's been created.

I mentioned above initially it was a whole different motivator and I think when we're younger it's about meeting someone special and building a life. as we get older it'll change, so your plan needs to evolve as you do to make room for your life that's been created.

As we get older it'll change and your plan needs to evolve as you do to make room for your constantly changing life that you've created.

Fitness and exercise is the fuel that gets you through your life

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I have a NEW 52-Week program that covers A-Z and is pretty fantastic for a new or experienced athlete looking for more changes. For info go here====

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